Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Ten-Year Rule

Welcome back friends and loyal readers!  I bet you guys thought this was dead or I was going to break my New Year's resolution, didn't ya?  Well I didn't! so take that skeptics!  I actually have quite a few ideas kicking around in my old head for some decent blog posts, so I may just get crazy this week, who knows!

Ok, today friends and only readers, I will be discussing the ten-year rule.  This is something I picked up off the Art of Manliness e-mail list.  First a side note, I love The Art of Manliness webpage and e-mail list, if you are a male, you should sign up for it, it is packed full of goodies.  Secondly, the e-mail guy was mostly talking about vacations, but I think it is a fantastic  idea that can be translated into the whole life.  But more on that after the jump!
Now, the ten-year rule basically goes as follows: Any decision you are faced with, just think, which will I want to look back on more in ten years time?  Now this is certainly applicable as it relates to vacation as the guy in the e-mail said.  I mean think about it, vacation is about relaxing and stuff yes, but it is also about exploring and finding new places and experiences!  Which would you rather look back on and reminisce about in ten years, sleeping in all the time, or getting up and exploring X place? This of course is also very applicable to our daily lives.  Any major decision you can think, which would I rather be doing in X amount of years?

Not only that, but think about it in a spiritual sense, which would I rather look back in heaven and remember? I think that this can really help to get people (myself included) out of their shells, and to ease in the decision making process.  Furthermore, it can help everyone, once again, myself included, live not so much concerned with little things in the here and now that do not really matter!  That and it can help us not be so freaking selfish all the time.  Think about it, if you are caring about what you will be reflecting on in ten years, is (insert random pointless activity or toy that we concern ourselves with) really going to matter as much? I think not.

Now, this is not to say that we should all be future focused and ignore the present, because then we would all just be planning and not doing I think, or something else somewhat ludicrous.  I am just saying that we should be more focused on what our actions of today have on the world of tomorrow and asking whether or not the things that we are doing are making any difference in the world outside of our own area of me me me.  Aka, are we living a life of significance? Or are we living a life of repetition, triteness, and focusing on the insignificant?  Just some food for thought...

Well, that is all for now folks, so, up next I may have a blog about remembering the past! Or I may do an album review, you know, cause there is no place for that elsewhere on the web.  Or possibly a deeply personal blog! I have two of those in the works! I even have an update blog on my resolutions!  Is this madness?! No! It is my blog! So now is the time that you guys can comment.  Tell me what I did wrong, or how you agree with me or maybe what you want to hear from me next?  I live to serve!

1 comment:

  1. well i would much rather hear a personal blog because those are always interesting but if not then I think an album review would be good. well wait i want update on do that one in a 2 weeks maybe.....i dont know! you have so many options!
    i liked the concept of thinking **will i agree with this in 10 years** type solution. now sleeping in versus seeing vacation X....would depend. i think there is a time to relax on vacation and a time to sight see. setting aside one or two days to sleep in I think would be good, as long as the vacation is 7 days :-)
